The animal prints style
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Who would have thought that the skin of animals will end one day become a component of the casual chic style? After the leopard, it now turns zebra stripes and other reptile skins Panther potentially breakthrough efforts and looks good.

After many years of presence in the heart of the urban forest, leopard print fashion is no longer a challenge. The designers did a variety of ways to wear it in 2010 mode it gradually got rid of it would be "too much" that has long been attached to the skin, essentially making this design to make it look contemporary.
However, it seems that the success of the assimilation of the leopard in the dressing hype has given to the fashion world like to extend the experience by calling other animal graphics much less common.

A recent example saw Alber Elbaz imagine for an H & M striped trench coat completely, the delicate Giovanna Battaglia slip into a striped muslin dress, but also some elegant accessories adorn themselves with printed python. Not to mention the last Louis Vuitton, which saw the dresses giraffes and other exotic animals cover.
Time is provided for the jewelry from the rich old lady, this graph is true of animals could eventually attract the attention and desire fashionista. This then will not forget to put that little touch of fantasy with ease so well in Leopard, while not overplaying the seductive effect 'is often associated with the printing style.

To do this, we thought to combine them into fine garments childish, or just casual. For their part, the most intrepid will not hesitate to mix them together to write a patchwork certainly unexpected, but perfectly in tune with time.
Finally, leopards in turn can be associated with so-called traditional print, but also come in different shades, we married on the same display.